Customer complaint

Customer complaint

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Complaint form


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Dear clients,

You can always contact us if you think something is wrong with the product or service you bought from us, and we will respond as soon as possible. Your satisfaction is our primary interest!

The consumer has the right to file a claim (objection):

in case of a defect in the product that was not caused by his fault, i.e. if the removal of the defect was not carried out by an unauthorized person, immediately after he became aware of the defect in the product, and no later than within six months from the day of taking over the product,
due to an incorrectly calculated price, etc., immediately and at the latest within three days from the date of payment of the invoice,
on the price of the provided public service within eight days from the day of receipt of the bill. An invoice for the purchase of the product is submitted with the complaint.
Vujacic Company d.o.o. as a responsible business entity, resolves all submitted complaints about the quality of products and services in the shortest possible time.